It has come to my attention that some of our read- ers have commented about my editorials that "Virginia is preaching again. Every one is entitled to their own opinion and can call them as they see them." To those who choose to regard my observations as " preaching there is but little I can do and, as a matter of fact, there is little I want to do, because I don't believe these people are very far along in their developement. These are the people who are looking for erotic- ally stimulating stories and nothing else in TVia, and space that is "wasted" on an editorial is space that is not giving them their erotic moneys worth. I pers- onally am sorry that anyone looks on what I have to say as" preaching", not that I think I have all the answers or that what I say is necessarily so, but be- cause their interest have not rizen much above the belt I'm not sorry for me, I'm sorry for them.
I have often said to various people, when explain- ing about TVism, that there are but few activities, the study of which, reveals more about human behavior than that of TV. This is because it has ramification in all kinds of areas. This is a fact that is not immediately apparent; neither to many TV nor to psychiatrists. To make this fact evident was one of my purposes in founding Tvia and in continuing it. Probably nobody in history has had contact with more people, more material,more ideas, more everything having to do with this subjest than I have. I don't say this to brag, I say it as a state- ment that because of this every one should pay attention to what I say-far from it. I find myself in the position of the old poem"I used to think I knew I Knew, but now I must confess, the more I know, I know I know, I know I know, I know the less".
Twenty five years ago I could have told you all about TVism, what caused it, and what it accomplished. Fifteen years ago I could have told you the same things,